Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Here at University we know God has called all of us to use our gifts and passions to serve others. We can do that in a variety of ways. We have opportunities in local outreach, international mission trips and by financially supporting missionaries that we have sent off around the world! You can also be a positive voice for our missionaries to hear. Scroll to the bottom of this page to learn how you can encourage our Missionaries!

How Can I Support & Serve?
Active Missionaries
Ed & annita hoagland
Bob & Joanna Graham
Ed & Annita Hoagland have four children and twelve grandchildren. They have been building the Kingdom in Mexico City for 37 years. Areas they ask for you to be praying for would be their evangelistic camps and concerts, the health of their grandson Noah, & that their children will always love, obey & serve the Lord.
Bob & Joanna Graham have three children: Jessica, Julie, & Jordan. Bob has served as the executive director of the Children's Resiliency Project since 2005. The Grahams serve as missionaries in
South Africa.
South Africa.
Paul & Abbey Campbell have four children: Vail, Pilar, Ezekiel, & Amos. Their church plant was launched on September 18, 2021 and they have been building the Kingdom in Logan, UT for one year. They ask that you pray that the Lord will build His church and many would come to know the true message of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Brent & Sheila Moeller
Brent & Sheila Moeller have served in South Africa for 31 years. They have three kids, two of which live in the United States and their youngest is studying online at Liberty University while serving in ministry alongside Brent and Sheila. The Moellers live in Durban, South Africa on the East Coast and work primarily among Zulu speaking South Africans. Areas they ask you to be praying for would be that God will continue to work in the children and youth at their Amaotana church & that God will bring revival after the COVID lockdowns in their church missions in uYaya and Groutville.
Danny & Janice Flowers
Danny & Janice Flowers have four children: Lydia, Kara, Lincoln, & Grant. The Flowers have been involved in missions since 2000. They are currently planting a church in Charleville, France where they have been since 2013. They ask that you pray for their efforts to reach the lost within their community and to pray for the spiritual needs of the French.
Jon & April Flowers
Jon & April Flowers have five children: Ethan (twelve), Gideon (nine), Hudson (eight), Gracyn (four), & Cooper (two). The Flowers have been serving in Taiwan for over 13 years. They ask that you pray for their families health and safety, for spiritual growth of their church and for the salvation of the lost. There is a young man named HouSheng who wants to serve God with his life, please pray for his continued growth and the salvation of his wife Yoyo.
Steve & Dawn Liberti
Steve and Dawn Liberti have served with Proclaim International since 2005. They have two daughters, Bianca and Sofia. Bianca married her high school sweetheart Dylan last year and they live in Tennessee. Sofia just graduated from Taylor University with honors and will settle in Indiana. The Libertis lived in Kandern, Germany, from 2011 to 2021, using it as a base for ministry in Europe, Eastern Europe, the Far East, the Balkans, and parts of North and South Africa. Their ministry supports under-resourced churches with training and evangelism, using creative arts to help churches connect with their communities, break down barriers, and grow. They currently live in Jacksonville, Florida, where Proclaim’s U.S. office is located. Dawn works in Finance, while Steve is involved in leadership, travels for ministry recruitment, and leads teams in the Balkans. Please pray for strength, energy, wisdom, and good health as they enter a busy season of ministry.
Bryan & Stefanie Nicholson
Bryan & Stefanie Nicholson have been married for eight years. Bryan has been in missions for eight years, Stefanie has been serving for 17 years, and their Here2There Ministries has been building the kingdom for 12 years. Here2There Ministries currently have churches and missionaries in six countries that they are training and working with regularly. Over 45 countries have access to the resources and materials Here2There Ministries provides to be able to use on their own. They would like for you to pray for wisdom for their team as they work with their churches and missionaries, they also ask that you pray God will place the right short-term journey leader on their team as well as administrative help.